Offline Payment
- Western Union (very fast)
We prefer Western Union (very fast)
Please check Western Union’s website for more information about remittance
Website link:
Our Western Union address: (pick at local agent)
City: Guangzhou
State (province): Guangdong
Country: China
First name: DAI YOU
Last name: LIU
Postal code: 351100
Phone: +86 13244897287
If you choose Western Union, we will provide you with a 5% discount. If
you have already remitted money, please send us your Western Union MTCN number by email.
- Money Gram (very fast)
Money Gram remittance is safe, fast and convenient. If you use this method to remit money,
the price will be lower and the funds are usually received within minutes.
You can just click for more information.
Our MoneyGram address: (pick up at local agent)
First Name:
Postal Code:
Wenxian West Street, Putian City, Fujian Province, China
If you choose to remit, we will provide you with a discount of more than 4%, please send us your remittance reference number and remitter name by email.
Address: +86
Tel: +86